Your training

Are you looking for vocational training with a hand and a foot?
We have something for you!

Whether in the driving service or in the workshop, at we offer you high-quality in-company training with many benefits.

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IMG 2740 1
BVB 100424 FotoCaroHoene 1171
Training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician with a focus on commercial vehicle technology (m/f/d)
3.5-year training
Maintenance and repair of buses
Electronics, mechanics, bodywork, special equipment
Currently no application possible
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Next slide - Bus Transport Berlin KG

Dynamic company combines the stability and identity of a traditional family business with the dynamism of a growing medium-sized service provider with flat hierarchies. With us, you will find a secure and future-proof apprenticeship as the basis for your career. is the only private bus company in Berlin that trains skilled drivers. We are the only bus company in the capital to offer training as a professional driver. So if you want to get started as a bus driver in Berlin, is exactly the right place for your training!

We offer...

Sound training

interesting, practical and versatile, committed instructors, comprehensive knowledge transfer

Training allowance

Fixed training allowance, which increases with each year of training

Takeover possibility

After successful training, chance of a permanent (unlimited) employment relationship with

And more...

Bus driver's license included

Cost absorption for the acquisition of the driving license of the classes D and DE (also for workshop personnel)

Possibility of shortening

Training can be shortened (if desired and if the respective requirements are met)

Top equipment

e.g. iPad at your free disposal
(at work, at vocational school and privately)

BKF = professional driver / FIF = skilled driver / NFZ = motor vehicle mechatronics technician with focus on commercial vehicle technology

  • BKF
  • FIF
  • NFZ
Which training is right for you?BKFFIFNFZ
Which training is right for you?
Start: Sept 25
March 25
Sept 25
Minimum age17 years17 years
School graduationextended secondary school diploma or equivalent school leaving certificateSecondary school leaving certificate or equivalentSecondary school leaving certificate or Abitur
StrengthsFriendliness, willingness to travel and flexibilityOrganizational talent, friendliness, willingness to travel and flexibilityMathematics, technology and physics
InterestsVehicles, technology, dealing with peopleVehicles, People, PC/Office, OrganizationCraft, technical equipment/machinery
Training duration3 years
(shortenable on request)
3 years
(shortenable on request)
3.5 years
(can be shortened on request)
TheoryGeorg Schlesinger School in Berlin ReinickendorfGeorg Schlesinger School in Berlin ReinickendorfUpper Level Center for Automotive Technology in Berlin Charlottenburg
IHK/HWK degree
soon againInfo & Applysoon again

This is how our application process for a training position works


Step 1

Send application online
to us


Step 2

Invitation to the
online test


Step 3

Personal interview
at our depot


Step 4

(approx. 1-5 days possible)


Step 5

Contract signing -
and you're good to go!

Collage Website 1

All right?
Click here for the application

Any questions?
Our human resources team is happy to help

Impressions from everyday training

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Look behind the scenes of training:

You can get exciting insights on our Instagram channel @bvbnet.

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Training at The search for talent continues

December 2023

On the home stretch of the year, the search for young talent for the 2024 training year gained momentum once again. The team was committed to giving young people a closer look at our company and the training opportunities, e.g. as a professional driver. The targeted search for new trainees and the intensive exchange with young talents, especially those interested in a career as a bus driver, were the main focus of the campaign days. We are convinced that investing in the training of young people, whether as mechatronics engineers or bus drivers, is the key to a successful future in our industry.

Stuzubi Trade Fair 2023

In October, we made a successful appearance at the Stuzubi training fair in Berlin. We presented ourselves as an attractive employer in Berlin for prospective 2024 talent. The stand, managed by a dedicated team, provided space for informative discussions and initial insights into our wide range of training opportunities, including training as a professional driver (m/f/d). The positive response encouraged us in our commitment to inspire motivated and future-oriented trainees for the profession of bus driver. We look forward to attracting committed talents for a successful apprenticeship at and to shaping the future together.

Stuzubi training fair

Taster day 2023

In December, the training taster day was our first opportunity to provide a close-up look behind the scenes. Through a varied mix of theory and practice, participants were not only able to learn interesting facts about our company, but also actively immerse themselves in various areas of work. They were able to take the wheel of our training bus and tools into their own hands and talk to us in person. This event offered interested parties the opportunity to find out more about our extensive training opportunities, including training as a professional driver.

Training taster day at

For five motivated talents, the professional journey begins at

September 2023
New trainees at

On September 1, 2023, a new cohort of apprentices started at - Bus Verkehr Berlin KG, the largest private bus company in the region.

Trainers Yannick Ziebold (left in picture) and Thomas Müller (right in picture) welcome five new trainees at

Seven trainees have already successfully completed their training with us this year. Now three young people are starting their training as professional drivers in passenger transport, while two others are beginning their training as automotive mechatronics engineers for commercial vehicle technology. Over the next three years or so, they will acquire comprehensive specialist knowledge in theory and practice in order to grow into experts in their professions.

Since 2010, more than 40 young adults have successfully completed their initial training at We offer sound training in three different professions. The training is practical, versatile and offers young people appealing career prospects. Following successful training, generally offers trainees a permanent (unlimited) employment contract. An integral part of our training is the assumption of the costs for the acquisition of the bus driver's license of the classes D/DE, also for the workshop personnel.

Bus Verkehr Berlin KG offers the three-year initial training for bus drivers as the only private bus company in Berlin. In particular, the qualification in the profession of professional driver:inside in passenger transport is carried out exclusively by our company in the capital.

Claudio Kastner, Managing Director "Training is a high priority for us. In this way, we not only create prospects for young people, but also position our company for the future. In view of the forecast shortage of skilled workers in our industry of around 87,000 by 2030, we are making an active contribution to counteracting this through our training initiatives."

The trainees are accompanied by experienced and committed trainers from the beginning to the end of their first professional stage.

Thomas Müller, driving personnel trainer and traffic master at "Today's trainees are the future of driving personnel. We place particular emphasis on high-quality training that teaches not only how to handle vehicles and technology, but also the economic and interpersonal aspects in a professional context."

Yannick Zielbold, trainer and workshop foreman at "At our bus workshop, we focus on technology and talent. From day 1, our apprentices are actively involved in workshop operations, which gives them a deep understanding of the increasingly digital bus technology. After around three and a half years, they are then ideally prepared for their journeyman's examination."

Education and training are important to us!

March 2023
Training workshop

Journeyman Jonathan (left in picture) together with his trainer Yannick (right in picture) - after passing his final exams, Jonathan is now a permanent member of the workshop team.

We congratulate our colleague Jonathan on successfully passing his exams!

In 2019, he had started with us as an apprentice in our in-house workshop.

3.5 years, two journeyman's exams (each with a theoretical and practical component) and numerous vehicle repairs later, he has been able to call himself a motor vehicle mechatronics technician specializing in commercial vehicle technology since the beginning of 2023.

We asked him what he liked best about his training period: 

1. the working atmosphere and the family atmosphere.

2. the opportunity to think outside the box professionally.

3. of course, the vehicles and their technology.

Jonathan in the bus training workshop

Jonathan in his element: Here he is working on the electrical system of one of our public transport buses. Through further training, he would like to specialize in multimedia and vehicle electrics.

Kalle Koschinsky has already tried it out. Do it like Kalle and drive our bus - apply now!

Even more insights and background: on social media

Still questions? Our human resources team will be happy to help!

Contact Human Resources Team:

Phone: 030 / 68 38 91 64

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Thank you for your interest
in a career at

Our human resources team will get back to you as soon as possible.

In the meantime: We have compiled many answers to frequently asked questions in our FAQ section for applications in the field of driving personnel.